Don’t Use Thicker Material; Add Gussets For Strength!

Here’s an example of some parts we worked on with our customers. By adding gussets, areas of weakness on this part were effectively strengthened. The result? A smarter, more efficient design that saves on both material and piece price costs.

When discussing part design with our customers, we often hear the same question: “How can we make this part stronger, springier, or more durable?” The first instinct is usually to use thicker material. While thicker material does provide uniform strength across the entire part, there’s often a smarter, more cost-effective solution: adding gussets.

Gussets provide a targeted solution to reinforce specific areas of a part that experience higher stresses or loads. This approach delivers the required strength without adding the weight or material costs associated with thicker stock. Even better, incorporating gussets typically involves only a one-time tooling charge, with no impact on piece prices. While the finer details of strategic gusset placement and material optimization are best left to engineers and their Finite Element Analysis (FEA) tools, we can help you understand how this design choice translates into significant material and cost savings on your stamping project.

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